Helping you find peace in your home


Where functionality meets simplicity

Whether transforming cluttered spaces into organized sanctuaries or implementing seamless systems to simplify your daily routine, we are dedicated to bringing peace to your living spaces.

What We Do

We tidy, organize, and create systems in your home to make for a more peaceful daily life.


Pantries, Fridges, Cabinets & Drawers


Storage Closets, Bedroom Closets, Laundry Rooms

How it Works

Submit application

Share your goals with us and we'll get back to you with next steps.

Schedule appointment(s)

We'll be in touch to schedule measurements and your services.


We'll come to your space and work our magic!

Our Story

From living in an 11’x11’ dorm room, to a small college house with three other girls, to a 1,000 sq ft ranch house with no basement, our founder, Megan, experienced first-hand the impact that organization and systems can have on a space.

She discovered that organized spaces lead to a happier, healthier, more peaceful life. She also learned that establishing systems and helping others experience peace in their homes are some of her greatest passions!

Peace Unlocked was created to offer relief to families who are tired of losing things and discovering expired consumable goods in the backs of their kitchen storage, and are ready to gain back space, motivation, and peace in their home.

Peace Unlocked is a home organization service provider based in Cincinnati, Ohio, dedicated to helping families find peace in their homes.

Contact Us:
