
Kitchen Services

Labor Cost**

Standard Pantry (~4 Hours*)


Walk-in Pantry (~8 Hours*)


Fridge and Freezer (~3 Hours*)


Cabinets and Drawers (~8 Hours*)


Closet Services

Labor Cost**

Standard Closet – Bedroom or Storage Closet (~5 Hours*)


Walk-in Closet – Bedroom or Storage Closet (~8 Hours*)


Laundry Room (~6 Hours*)


* The hours are an estimate and include strategy time.

** The Labor Cost is subject to change based on the amount of time a project takes. The current Labor Cost is based on the estimated hours listed next to each project and is rated at $35 an hour. The Labor Cost does not include the cost of supplies. You will receive a detailed quote before your service appointment for the cost of supplies. You can approve or deny any products on the list. 

Peace Unlocked is a home organization service provider based in Cincinnati, Ohio, dedicated to helping families find peace in their homes.

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